As the Bridgewater Canal may be out of use for a while until the breach can be secured I decided to cancel the idea of a trip to Liverpool. A temporary fix is probably going to be made using a coffer dam as I understand, but there is too much hanging on the idea of this trip, with a lot of planning, booking etc., that I thought it wise to go for a simpler journey. So a visit to London is proposed. I attach below a link to the timetable for this. As always, guests are welcome. Just let me know in good time so that I don't over shoot. My daughter (Chloe) and family will be likely to join the boat at Berkhamsted and make the journey with me to Limehouse. Tides look right for a morning ride down the Thames. The journey back will be slightly more leisurely with good opportunities for short stays.
Thats a good first days boating 13 broad locks
Posted by: Brian and Diana Holt | January 17, 2025 at 12:18
Brian, it's just one of our standard 7 hour days as it always used to be when we were young and I never got round to changing it. I've pencilled in a breathing space half way at Berkhamsted. It's probably Chloe's last chance for a ride.
Posted by: Mike | January 17, 2025 at 13:38