All the plans etc.! It was raining hard at first light. It's unpleasant and I was not anxious to expose myself to that since there is no emergency as such. So I thought that it might just be a rest day. Then the rain abated and I needed some groceries to make the planned evening curry meal, so researched nearby supermarkets and found a Morrisons about 20 minutes walk away. I do enjoy Morrisons. So much fresh food on display that it is impossible for me to come away without something I had’t planned. The rain forecast was basically all day, but my walk had been just some drizzly stuff, so decided to change my mind go for it. However as I had now delayed the start I reduced my target to Barlaston, instead of Stone. There was a volunteer on duty for the first two locks, but he insisted on proceeding very slowly, like 1/2 hour to empty the top lock, saying that there was an issue with the weir. I suggested he filled the lock below as the first lock was draining down, to reduce the overspill which he did. Going down the next pound I saw why. C&RT was rebuilding the bank behind some new piling and were in the process of pouring concrete using a concrete pump situated in a yard behind the hedge. A huge surge of water coming down would have been disastrous as the concrete was only an inch or two above the waterline. I was left to myself for the other locks, but had an opposite at Twyford Lock, so that was helpful. Then a straight cruise to Trentham Lock, where, once I had filled it a boat appeared below and I had a free ride from a charming couple. Barlaston was reached at 2:15pm. I could have gone on I suppose, but there was more rain in the forecast and I thought I can now get to Haywood Lock as a reverse of my upward journey tomorrow and pick up some time gradually, still aiming for a Sunday arrival at Barby. I did the curry and with the right ingredients it was worth the wait.