After yesterdays mammoth cruise, today would be shorter and getting the tunnel out of the way leaves just one major obstacle to achieve my objective - Bosley Locks, but that’s on Wednesday. Shortly after leaving Barlaston I reached Trentham Lock. All the locks in the Stoke area seem to be deep, and not feeling too happy having to climb long ladders, I elected to use the beautiful offside staircase at the entrance to the lock and just let the boat coast in slowly without me. These lock are fairly docile, so not having the boat roped up is not a problem. Then there’s a longish cruise to the deep Stoke bottom lock, so same again, no problem. The next lock is approached from under two adjacent railway bridges, the first actually being out of use but much lower than the other. It’s actually rusting away gently. Water levels were low today, but before I have been very concerned that the wind generator on the roof would get a strike with disastrous results. Plenty of room today. Likewise the next lock, Twyford, has a similar low bridge. Then the two locks at Etruria both had volunteers in attendance. Excellent. I was getting concerned about fuel. My last fill up was at Fenny Compton. Unfortunately the wharf at Black Prince was occupied. I could have stopped at Longport, but didn’t. I’ll dip the tank before the tunnel I thought. As I arrived it looked as if I was going to be able to go through straight away, and got my knickers in a twist trying to get everything together that I needed with the boat going all over the place. However, as it happened there were still more boats to emerg and I did have time (all internal lights on, torch for roof, red light for control pannel, big hat - because it can be wet, warm coat and finally life jacket). Then as you go in - from bright sunlight to pitch black there is all manner of confusion, then slowly the eyes adapt to the new conditions and you can see which way the tunnel is. Coming out there arn’t a lot of opportunities to moor up for the supermarket, so I just turned off onto the Macclesfield Canal and consigned shopping for tomorrrow. Moored just beyond the aqueduct over the Trent and Mersey Canal and in the shade, for it has been another warm day.