Overcast this morning and the wind has dropped. Got a good few amps in the wind yesterday afternoon from the wind generator but it had all stopped by the evening. Set off early as usual and met very little traffic until around 11:00 am. Discovered a massive new logistics centre being built on what I believe was a brownfield site on the approach to Nuneaton. On he opposite side of he canal, ground is being broken for what I guess will be a new housing estate. Otherwise the only comment I can make is the rapid growth of vegetation offside with many bridge holes partially obscured. I was first in line at Atherstone Top Lock and had a very easy run down the first 6 locks, then a bit slower with opposite direction stuff to the end. However all went to plan and no problems. Moored now at the bottom of the flight, slightly ahead of plan still which will help tomorrow as I am hoping to reach Kings Orchard Bridge for overnight to set me up at a reasonable time for Fradley and a shopping detail on Saturday at Rugeley.