An early start. As we are moored right at the end of the line and as our gas is off due to regulator failure I felt it was OK to run the engine at 6:00 to give Pat a cup of tea. We left at 7:00 and had a good run through to Marston Junction. Almost made the turn in one go. YoU need to be really slow coming out of the narrow bridge and there isa little recess in the edge un dear the bridge to just allow the early start of the turn before the stern is fully out. On arrival at Hawkesbury we took the first obvious mooring on the Coventry side and went for a recce. We are expecting Jimm Boat Services tomorrow to replace our gas regulator and it would be helpful to be as close to the car park as possible. As it turned out there were no nearby moorings round the corner on the Oxford Canal side, but the first 7 day mooring by the footbridge opposite the pumping station was free, so we moved.
A quiet afternoon! Having worked out how to book online at the Greyhound yesterday (£5.00 fee refundable on the meal) we turned up at the appointed time and were shown to our table in the marquee out front. Very helpful charming staff who explained that we order online, and then food will appear (half hour prepping time). So we finally got round that - took us about 15 minutes I think, but not really difficult, just unfamiliar. Excellent food, top rate as always here.