Sunday 12th
We awoke to a pleasant Sunny morning. Lots to do today getting the boat respectable for our guest arriving tomorrow, but first job was to turn the boat to be able to make it back to the marina. Not wishing to try reversing back to the winding hole just before bridge 58 the next opportunity is at Hillmorton according to the book which would take us an hour and a half - unless... I have turned before at Clifton Boats using the old arm, but it is used for moorings and is not ideal. So we gave it a go by reversing gently into the arm and using the bow thruster and it worked. I would have been much more concerned if there had been any wind because the principal method of winding is to fix the bows on the bank to power the back round either with the engine or the wind (or even the pole). The moored boats blocked that possibility. Having gained some time, we stopped on a nice bit of piling and set about the work. A boat wash and internal cleaning which took most of the morning, returning to the marina for a late lunch. After which, lots more cleaning and then the boat version of Yoga - topping up the batteries. Pat has been very busy with the cleaning. With the boat having been unused for a year not surprising that everything needs looking at. The amazing thing is that everything still works.