After the deluge yesterday today dawned fine, but with the threat of more rain later. Over the last couple of days a Cutweb (Cutweb Internet Boating Club) miniGIG has been evolving based in the Admiral Nelson at Braunston. The miniGIG is where Cutwebbers, posting on the Cutweb internet site, find themselves by chance in the same neighbourhood and plan an impromptu get together in a pub of course. So it was that such a meeting was planned this evening. We had abandoned our original plan to aim for the Blue Lias, so it was just a matter of turning round and returning to Braunston. Turning round on a canal is not quite straightforward as most boats are too long to fit across the canal and for us this meant a 2 1/2 hour trip to find the next (wide) turning point and return to where we started from. Then we continued on back to Braunston to find a nice mooring just before the turning point and marina entrance. This is still about half a mile from the Admiral Nelson, but to get closer would mean going through Braunston Tunnel to find the next turning point to get back. Having moored, the next job was a shopping trip. The village (and shop) is at the top of the hill, so a nice bit of exercise. On the way I discovered an unlisted (in Nicholson’s guide at least) refuse site at the back of the toll house. Very useful!. In the evening, we walked up to the pub and met up with our mates for a drink and a meal. It seems a well run place and dog friendly too. Standard sort of pub menu but good.