Blue sky and a lovely warm day in prospect. Pat and I shared lock duties today and this worked well, alternating lockside and helm. At Great Bedwyn we passed the hire boat that we had seen at Kintbury and at the next lock their outrunner caught up with us, so we waited for them at the next. They were, as most hire boats are, mob handed so from there on we had it easy. Well experienced the team worked well and we said goodbye at Wootton Rivers, the last of the locks until Devizes. Passing Crofton Pumping house black smoke could be seen emerging from the chimney. It is a steaming day, but passing the feeder outflow at the bottom of the flight there appeared to be no water flowing so perhaps they hadn’t got steam up yet. Arriving at Pewsey there appeared the expected long line of moored boats with nowhere obviously to moor up. We chose the first emerging gap, but the boat ran aground. Moving on, the next which gave a lot of trouble, gang plank again etc. Then we realised that nearer to the actual wharf there was metal piling and there was indeed a space for us, just hidden from the first of the line. So we have a decent mooring after all, piling and rings.