We had a quiet night, no wind for the generator to speak o. We left at 7:00 as usual, but didn't get very far. Lock 88 was locked up. We had to wait until 08:13 for the lock-keeper. Then just carried on past nb Beecch at Appleby and the deep Lock with help from a boater moored nearby. Here on we seemed to disturb a nest of narrow boats, having seen scant few moving for days. Perhaps it was the Junction of the Rufford Arm, or the number of swing bridges that we now face. The wind is getting up making hovering for a swing bridge difficult, alternatively getting off a mooring on a wrong curve with the wind against you extremely difficult. I had 3 attempts at getting off there bank at New Lane much to the annoyance of a cyclist waiting. Poor Pat she gets it in the necklace and hates it. We moored shortly after in good time for a little bit of paint maintenance.