Watch this space, the cruise will start soon. The plan was to go to Liverpool, taking our time and then return via the Leeds and Liverpool Canal. The last time we did the L&L was East to West, so a reverse trip seemed to make sense. Then the Bridgewater Canal Co closed the canal until the end of May (provisionally and we have had no updates) scuppering that plan. So being crazy we decided to reverse the trip and aim to go the long way round and return the short way if the canal is open by then. This will be a bit of a challenge for us - to do that trip in essentially just under 4 weeks, Brinklow to Liverpool. It is theoretically possible but lots can go wrong as we know full well. So see how we get on. The plan is to leave Saturday. We are booked to arrive Liverpool Salthouse Dock on 24th May. As always, the most recent post appears at the top.