It looked as if we were the firsst up the Napton Lock Flight. Many of the locks were empty already so we had a very energy efficient almost casual ascent. Two pounds were down on water, always a hazard when first up, but not enough to worry Nuggler. Then the long, slow cruise along the summit pound where it is notoriosly shallow. Fenny Compton was quiet - plenty of moorings, but we were aiming for Cropedy. A "plastic" boat overtook us just after the "tunnel" that is not a tunnel. There is plenty of room to pass other boats except for a short 100 yards or so at the eastern end. Presumably this is where the original tunnel was, but the cutting does not seem any deeper here than elsewhere, so it would be interesting to see early drawings. We stopped on the metal piling designated "Cropedy North 24 hours" not wanting to risk there being no moorings below the lock as after it is all long term moorings. We have been caught out before!