Our aim, as for the last few years, is to try and visit the Kennet & Avon Canal again. This was where we first cut our teeth back in 1999 or thereabouts.
We arrived at the boat early morning with several jobs in mind to get ready for the spring cruise starting tomorrow.
1. We brought a mains vacuum cleaner to use through the whole boat to remove dust accumulations, clean out the stove etc.
2. Having found the stove paint last visit, the stove was too hot then to black it. Now, with a cold stove it can be done, the central heating keeping us warm enough to work.
3. Pat discovered a problem with the fridge/freezer. We always leave it with the doors open, partly to let it dry out to reduce mould growth, and partly to defrost. There is a drain tool that inserts into the bottom of the freezer section to direct melted water into a receptical. Unfortunately, due to a communications lapse, we each thought that the other had tunred it off when we left a month ago, but it wasn't. The door had not been open enough for the light to come on. Now the whole of the freezer section was encased in ice, and the drawers were, on first inspection stuck solid. We needed to go shopping and use it thereafter, so Pat set to work and problem was solved. I am convinced that this had acted as a dehumidifer. The boat felt quite dry and lived in, albeit cold, when we had arrived..
4. When the fan is demounted flat on the roof for travel, the pointed tip of the rather heavy assembly rests on the roof. To obviate problems we used an old fleece wrapped around a small coil of rope to create a doughnut shape in which the works could rest. I wanted something better and a wooden stand has been fabricated at home out of a bit of recycled pallet. This needed finishing off.
5. The light over the Welsh dresser needed replacing. I have bought a strip of LED lights for this, but needs to be wired in and a new switch provided. Wiring: No problem. The switch is exercising me a bit, not wanting to ruin the face of the dresser, or butcher the woodwork. Still needs more work, but the final design is there.
6. I bought some more plastic decking squares to assemble on the roof to keep coal bags off the paintwork.
7. Finally, suck out the oily bilge water. This has been emulsified with Swarfega "Oil & Grease Remover". It stays in the wet vac for disposal at home with other oil waste.
Considering we have both been unwell for the last week, this work was good physiotherapy and after supper took us to bed early.