We made it. But first an investigation into yuesterday's strange noises coming from the propeller. We are in plastic bag country now as reminded by the plastic being blown into the canl yesterday in the stiff wind. With plastic bags comes other rubbish and we picked up the strange noise whilst reversing at Bulls Bridge. It turned out to be some old mattress springs wound around and only removed after much struggling with the aid of some wire fence cutters. With a clean prop we moved off with new silky smoothness. A stop at Alperton Sainsbury followed. We need to stock up on groceries for the next week as convenient supermarkets are few and far between. Then once moving on we came up behind a very slow, full sized old barge converted no doubt for camping - the hold was covered with tarpaulin - and populated by youth, all having fun. I think we have seen this vessel before out of Brentford. They said they were aiming for Paddington. Easily overtaken, we continued, coming across moored boats in places we would never had expected, then at Kensal Green on the grassy bit from the railway bridge to Kensal Green Road Bridge (and another Sainsbury) solid moored craft and no real chance of stopping here. Carrying on clumps of moored boats where I have never seen them before and in the final run up to Little Venice Pool, double breasted up boats all the way. Our intention of finding a mooring for the night was not looking good. The facilities mooring was free, so we stopped there for rubbish, water and a pumpout (cards from the Floating Cafe on the other side of the bridge £16.35). Pat then persuaded me to have a look at Paddington Basin and amazingly we found a mooring there. So we are all set for a run down the Regent's tomorrow.