Something disturbed Pat last night at about 1 am and she investigated to find that we were floating free off the bank. Our mooring pins had been pulled out. Fortunately, the bow pin was possibly acting as a sort of mud weight and I could get off fairly easily. Again, fortunately, there was no wind and no water movement, so the boat was exactly in the same position relative to the bank and recovering the pins and re-fixing them was a straightforward job. I took the opportunity to fit the security "chain", which I ought to have done first off anyway. Other boats were similarly affected and the incident threw new light on the wandering boat that we had come across yesterday.
Berkhamsted is known for its enterprising youth. The canal locks for example have paddle gear locks fitted. Today MF took the opportunity of the nearby railway station to nip home to check up on a few things. Pat went shopping in the nearby Waitrose, grumbling that there is no standardisation in the way supermarkets are laid out. She writes her shopping list in a logical order which works for her at home.
Berkhampsted also has an occasional 'bore' that travels along the canal ripping out mooring pins it's so strong. Only inches high, it's quite strange. It just lifts the boat up and drops it down again in the same place. That could account for all the other boats suffering. No idea what causes it, but we have seen it twice, the first time it pulled out our pins, luckily it was daytime and we were with the boat.
Kath (nb Herbie)
PS no, we hadn't been drinking :-)
Posted by: Kath Corbett | September 27, 2015 at 10:45
Interesting Kath. Probably the same one that left a top paddle up at Ravens this morning and emptied the pound, or was it a careless boater? The bottom gates leak so badly.
Posted by: Mike | September 27, 2015 at 16:13