Well it was raining this morning and continued so until midday. We made steady progress passing boats at just about every lock so that a single hander ahead of us was long gone. Needing a pump-out we turned into Aston Marina. We were immediately lost. In spite of being a modern new marina there was no signage apparent so after doodling around for a bit we saw the pumpout machine (and incidentally the diesel point) right by the central bridge but with no obvious mooring opportunity other than totally blocking the bridge. Investigation showed that a token was necessary, but no indication where one could be aquired. No sign of any office or reception in the vicinity. So we gave up and left. Perhaps the services are only for their own customers in which case a helpful notice would be appreciated. Looking for a mooring with WiFi we continued on ending up in Stone.
There was a short space downstream of the water point and where BtWiFi was possible, so we stopped there for lunch and took on water before moving on above the bottom lock where there was a marked 48 hour mooring, also with good WiFi. Our data bundle is running out largely due to inadvertantly downloading two TV programmes - too complicated to explain!