We have it now first hand why sensible people with the choice do not go boating in August. It is mayhem. All the hire boats are out. We passed a convoy this morning obviously just released at the beginning of their hires. We haven't found the source yet. The vegetation on the offside of the canal is really due for trimming but as yet is growing out rapidly obsuring corners and narrowing the cut. We have had two near collisions today on account of poor visibility. Fortunately we were travelling very slowly anyway, though possibly because of a bit of rope and plastic bags round the propellor. However, starting early we had a clear run through the only two locks of the day, Hayward and Colwich, both notorious bottlenecks. We soon caught up with a hire boat going very slowly, mostlikely inexperience because they ran into the bank at the sharp turn after the aqueduct at Bridley Bank. We passed. We stopped at Rugeley for shopping and a few minor maintenance issues. Then carried on slowly through the traffic. The three locks down to Fradley Junction where we turn off onto the Coventry Canal are also notorious bottlenecks, so we elected to stop for the day before them and tackle them first thing in the morning. As it happens there seemed to be very little traffic. I expect everyone is planning the same and it will all kick off at 6 am tomorrow! More heavy showers and intermittent sunshine.