8 Locks today. Four through Stone and the remainder spread out on the way to Great Hayward, junction with the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal. No traffic until leaving Stone, then a procession of hire boats returning to base. All the locks were against us. We were obviously following other boat(s) and in fact caught up with them at Weston Lock where we had a short wait. It seemed quite a windy day, but Great Hayward is mostly set in a wooded area and the few open moorings were all taken, so still no opportunity to test the wind generator in a "good blow". We moored up for the day at 12:00 midday and went to the newly refurbished "Canalside Farm shop" for an ice cream and ended up spending £18. So much tempting food! Then with more time on my hands did an engine oil and filter change and sat out in the sun with a beer. Thunder and showwers later.