We left Widewater early so as to make Watford in good time. It was cold and grey with the canal having a desolate look. Who would be mad enough to venture on the water today? We met the lengthsman at Black Jacks, a chatty fellow who helped with the gates and told us that he was there to let water down because Cowley was low. I didn't ask, but I couldn't follow this logic because the river enters the canal above Uxbridge Lock and there should always be enough water at Cowley and anyway the Widewater bywash was running well. At Coppermill we arrived behing two Hillingdon Community boats setting off above the lock. We followed them to the convenient canalside Tesco where the moorings were all taken, so tied up to some trees by the car park. Pat was faster shopping than the Hillingdon boats, so we were ahead again. Batchworth was open for us with a broadbeam waiting to come down and another boat left the gates for us at Common Moor Lock, so the canal was busy after all. Finally we met two broadbeam community boats from Nash Mills with a load of cubs on board having fun. All in all a good day and the sun had even appeared.
After four months of inactivity the boat needs a little TLC. The roof has a lot of rust spots, so I endeavoured to take advantage of the weather to rub them out and touch up with suitable paint for a quick job. One tap needed attention, but otherwise not bad at all. The batteries seem to be in good shape as judged by the new Smartgauge monitor so justifying the value of the solar panels.