Up early and before others had appeared I started to polish the boat and finish dealing with some largish rust patches that had appeared on the roof. Pat set to making a batch of samosas for communal lunch which inevitably involves a production line, one making, one deep frying. Our numbers were swelling with road arrivals and by the afternoon there were about 30 present. Our afternoon event was samba band training. The Cutweb Samba Band was due to perform later that evening (if we only had known!). Loony of course, but great fun, just like a load of school kids having band practice. The weather was kind again, and after our banging and bashing session (ear plugs provided) we enjoyed tea with masses of cakes of all shades and sizes on tables set up round the lawn.
The evening began with a performance of "Mary Rose - A boat of Ill Repute" by Kate Saffin, herself a boater. Then a magnificent buffet and our usual raffle but this time speeded up with prizes predetermined. Finally the samba session. Goodness knows what our audience really thought! We enjoyed ourselves.