As usual, Lot Mead Lock top gates were open. They are always so when the lock is full and any attempt to close them when leaving uphill is a waste of time. So we didn't take long to be on the way to Batchworth. There too, the top gates were open, and so it was with Stockers and Springwell. The lower lock landing at Springwell was cordoned off so we left the bottom gate open on leaving as this would make it easier for any upcoming boat. Good we did because one appeared shortly after. Coppermill was nearly full and BW were below trimming the vegeation on the offside lower landing, normally hidden in overgrowth. By 10:00 we had arrived back at Harefield Marina, checked that the car would still start as past experience made us always suspicious and loaded up for return home. Another visit will need to be made to finish the unloading because one additional passenger and a large labrador made things very tight.