Monday's Report! We were waiting outside the supermarket at 07:00 and were back on the boat by 7:30 for a quick departure - after we had shifted some serious detritus from the head of the next lock. After that things proceeded well although it became obvious after a while that we were catching up with a boat ahead. At Bottom Side Lock he had become aware and was waiting for us with the gate open ready. A charming guy, single handed but obviously very happy so. He baled out at Berkhamsted Fields and we carried on to follow a pair, Trinity and Gospel Bell all the way to TRING summit and beyond, although they had disappeared ahead by the time we reached Marsworth Top Lock. A chap in blue had the gate open for us as he finished pulling reeds out of the lock and we set off down the flight using our well practiced routine. This works well and fulfills the concept of the constantly moving boat ... until that is you meet opposite direction traffic. The best place to wait in this situation is in the lock, and as the Marsworth Flight is so bendy, until the upcoming boat actaully appears round the corner. We attempted to moor above the bottom lock, but three rather abusive fishermen were very unhappy with our presence so after a quick recce, we found a spot right outside the White Lion. Very good digital TV here from Oxford transmitter. Excellent beer. No food here Mondays.