Leaving the location of our boat rally behind we set off at 06:40. First I had to winf the boat while Pat went up the bottom of the Stockton flight setting a couple of locks ready. Then we were off. 1 hour to the top followed by the short cruise to the Calcutt Locks. Turning right at Napton Junction we are aiming now for Oxford and the River Thames down to London and home. At Napton more boats were apparent. We followed a hire boat up the Napton Flight interspersed with opposite direction traffic. We found DRACO still on its moorings. The top pound seems down a little and progress was very slow. A trip down the weed hatch revealed very little, so it must just be the shallow water. The wind was quite strong and made it difficult to get off the bank. Our night stop is Fenny Compton. We need a pump out, but the boatyard is closed Mondays, so we will sort that out in the morning.