Up at the usual hour and after a porridge breakfast Pat set off to get a paper at the train station. Then we pressed on. A beautiful sunny morning and less wind, but freezing. The wet ropes from yesterday were now solid. Several of the lock gates have now been fitted with boater operated top paddle security locks. Again, few locks were in our favour, but we only passed one moving boat as far as Cowroast which we reached at 10:15. Soon we were at Marswoth Top. Tring cutting was bathed in warm sunshine. Such a change, it is usually dark and gloomy. The White Lion was reached at 12:15, time for lunch on the move. Our luck changed thereafter because there was a fair bit of opposite direction traffic culminating in a broadbeam, (they can't close gates) so all gates were open for us! With this help, we reached Grove Lock (and pub) at 4 pm. We are well within reach of Leighton Buzzard now, so will stay here the night.