We left home today on what might become a month's cruise. We are aiming for the Blue Lias pub where the CUTWEB Internet Boating Club is having its annual get together. After warn sunshine for the last week or so it has suddenly turned cold and so we are needing full protective clothing!.. We had a snow shower, but otherwiswe decent weather, other than the very cold wind. After restocking the larder at Tesco Rickmansworth we met up with a tug Eiger at Batchworth. Harry,. the helmsman was on the way to S&P boatyard with some steel and then the plan is to refloat a sunken cruiser at Hunton Bridge and return it to the scrap yard. So we left him at Cassio and joined Elidir at Ironbridge Lock. Elidir is named after a mountain in Snowdonia. There is also said to be a railway engine of the same name. More research needed here. We stopped at Kings Langley and are looking forward to a snug evening. ----------------------------------------- Email sent from www.virginmedia.com/email Virus-checked using McAfee(R) Software and scanned for spam