Today, Sunday, was forecast as "fine". However, shortly after waking, with it still dark, it started raining heavily. However, we were pleased, that by 08:00 it had stopped and looked as if it was clearing so axious to get home, we set off. Stockers lock was first and I used the downhill method of putting the boat across the lock gates whilst filling the lock. The water flow keeps it there and it is a simple process to reverse and turn the boat directly into line to enter. At Springwell lock we did the same, but ominous dark clouds rapidly approaching fortold of heavy rain, so we both got the serious waterproofs on. And rain it did. The pattern of one heavy shower after another repeated itself until we reached Harefield. Next visit will be a maintenance visit to put the boat to bed for the next six weeks. Our first trip of the New Year will be for the parliamentary demonstration of the 16th January.
The general view of our weekend's work is good. There seems to have been quite a bit of exposure in the media one way and another. We just have to keep up the pressure.