First day of a quick trip to Limehouse & back via Regents Canal, ostensibly to enable Chloe to host some friends for a day out - Limehouse to Little Venice. First, on arriving at the boat I needed to replace the door seal on the squirrel stove which onl;y took a few minutes, but I was anticipating the need for the stove. As it happened the weather was so warm that shirt sleeves were the order of the day and the stove thus far has not been needed. The trip to Little Venice was uneventful really. Left Harefield at 7:45, a stop at Sainsbury's in Alperton for 20 minutes, and arrived at LV at 15:00. Gemma was joining me for the evening with her flat mate, so supper was prepared and then we withdrew to the pub for a drink.
have you sailed in the birmingham area
best wishes
Posted by: aidan | November 02, 2005 at 16:24