As our journey takes us along the Lower Peak Forest Canal then via Macclesfield to the Trent & Mersey, on reaching the top of the attractive Marple flight we decided to make a small detour to visit Tesco at Whaley Bridge and Bugsworth Basin, newly re-opened after extensive restoration works. Having passed only two boats since Portland Basin, from Marple it was a different story. There is a new swing bridge which we hadn't expected and an old one which was so difficult to swing that it took three people - thanks to a passer by. I couldn't expect Pat to close it on her own, so I dropped a loop over the handrail as I went by and got the boat to close it. (Not looking forward to the return!). Tesco came up to expectations, but Bugsworth far exceeded. If you are interested in industrial and canal history, this place is a treasure, tastefully restored, with all the old basins now available for mooring. There are plenty of interpretation boards and information is available from volunteers of the Inland Waterways Protection Society which has led the restoration. The most interesting of the old photographs we found in the pub! The Navigation Inn,
which is situated above the Upper Basin, has a collection of pictures and memorabilia which is fascinating. It is also an excellent pub with a superb kitchen, so definitely worth a visit. We liked Bugsworth so much we stayed two days. The most popular mooring places appeared to be in the lower basin, the first you come across, but take the arm to the right and you come
across fingers of old wharves which can be quite secluded as the picture below shows.
Looks good! Very useful, good stuff. Good resources here. Thanks much!
Posted by: govokinolij | July 10, 2007 at 22:19