We awoke to an overcast windy looking sky after overnight rain. Today's task was to find a lauderette - and there was one listed at the Anderton BW Services. By the time we got there it was raining heavily, I was soaked through, not having put on the heavy weather gear in the first place. The mooring was occupied by a boat taking water. So we breasted up and waited a few moments to finish, and then moored up in front of the pump out machine. The washing machine was flagged "out of order". So - went below and put on the full wet weather gear and a change of clothes, which instantly caused the rain to cease. It always does! I ran the pump out and filled the water tank, maybe our last fill before the festival and we moved on looking for a mooring. We found one just before the Anderton Lift and the sun came out. After lunch we strolled up to the bridge overlooking the lift access arm and was surprised to see steam boat President with its butty appear out of the lift covered of course with its "hangers on" (literally of course). The two boats, breasted up, started to emerge from the bridge. A blast on its whistle is meant to mean "All other boats keep out of the way - this is President coming", but the oldtimer on "Druid" (Warship Class the nameplate says) was having none of it and stood his ground. Picture, taken from the bridge, by mobile phone, so apologies for quality. President gave way and continued to the winding hole and turned. I must say that I found the lift, and visitor centre excellent. I didn't realise that the control centre is in the visitor centre itself and not in the little hut on the top, and how modern and sophisticated it is. The whole area is beautifully landscaped and the old weights from the 1908 conversion made up as a maze in the grounds. Amazingly, we could have been accommodated in the lift today, but consultation with the crew turned the offer down, so we will have to keep a visit to the River Weaver for another day. It now looks as if we will reach the festival site a day early, unless we can find another mooring site on the way tomorrow.