Departure Harefield Marina 19:10. Yes, so late! Because of various commitments we could not leave earlier which means that we are cutting things a bit fine to get to Sharpness to meet up with the other participants by Friday 17th. We unloaded the car and just left our mooring leaving all the sorting out and stowing of gear along the way. We were pleased to find the bottom gate at Widewater lock open and rather expected to have the canal to ourselves. However, when nearly ready to leave the lock, a lone boater appeared below asking if we would mind waiting for him at Black Jack's Lock. This of course we did, but it slowed us down a little I suppose, although the company made up for it. David was positioning "Jolly Roger" for an 8 day summer holiday with his son later in the summer, going via the Oxford Canal, Thames and River Lee back to their base at Bishops Stortford. Our plan today was to cruise until nightfall, which he was happy with, and we reached Batchworth visitor moorings as daylight was fading. David asked us what time we were expecting to set off tomorrow. 7 o'clock was my reply and he thought that was a bit late for him as he wanted to get to Cowroast by Wednesday. He must have been joking, because we were rather hoping to get there tomorrow! At Batchworth I have to say that we were a bit surprised how shallow the mooring was, but then Nuggler is a deep draughted boat. Pat excelled herself with a fantastic meal of smoked salmon, new potatoes and salad within 1/2 hour of docking. The labradors were exhausted and settled down to sleep soon after arrival. An early start tomorrow then!