Monday: The warm, often sunny weather of the last few days was over. We awoke to a chilling, grey, misty dawn, and as customary, set off early. I was trying to get Gemma onto an early train at Wolverton Station and give myself time to get further on at least to Stoke Bruerne, my timetabled stop as per Nick Atty's excellent web based canal route planner. Progress to Wolverton was slowed by the multitude of moored boats and snagging one fishing line. The owner of the latter apologised for being asleep. Anyway, we saved his line, and got to the station on time for the 9:15. I was able to hook up with a 4 crewed boat for the ascent of the Stoke Bruerne Locks where gongoozlers were out in their hundreds. Perhaps the recent newspaper publicity for the Boat Inn had something to do with it, but it was by now a beautiful sunny afternoon. So, having made such good time I decided to continue on to get ahead of schedule to guarantee my next fixed point, Leamington Spa on Wednesday afternoon. After Blisworth Tunned (which I managed this time without hitting the roof on entry) I aimed for halfway to Whilton Locks, found a quiet rural morning and cleaned the boat in the evening sunshine.