Sunday 7th November
There was a magnificent fireworks display last night in Cassiobury Park, with a very good view from the canal "and in the comfort of our own home". Poor dogs though were trembling and clearly distressed.
Another damp morning, and after the customary walk, a large fry up was prepared as is traditional on a weekend jaunt. So what with one thing and another we didn't set off until 8:45. There were 10 very cheerful anglers spaced out as for a competition along the first stretch, all with a word or joke. Perhaps they thrive in wet weather just like us. Halfway down Cassio Lock a boat appeared behind us out of nowhere, so at Common Moor Lock we waited, but no sign until we were halfway down again - obviously a slow one! So we shut the gates and lifted a top paddle for them to speed things up for them. The two locks thus far had been against us with bottom gates open, so we figured that Lot Mead would be the same and by the time we had sorted that out, they might have caught us up, so we waited again, longer this time. No sign of them! So onwards & downwards - only Springwell Lock was in our favour with the top gate open (Hurrah! for that). Below Coppermill there were dozens of obviously novice canoeists needing a toot to warn them of 16 tons of steel coming their way.
At Black Jack's Lock Pat got stung by a windlass. Whilst winding the gate paddle her hand slipped on the wet windlass and the paddle dropped spinning the windlass wildly and hitting her forearm. Yes! She knows she didn't put the pawl on before winding it up and feels very stupid. Nonetheless, it was very painful and she was unable to use her right arm for anything serious for the rest of the day. A large deep bruise has developed.
In spite of the adverse locks and the waiting, we only took 4 hrs 10 minutes for the trip back to Harefield as opposed to 4 hrs 35 going. Whilst this may not be a significant difference it still supports my theory that its quicker downhill.