As stated in the future trips section we had hoped to reach Foxton Locks today. We left Birstall early enough at 6:50, but progress was slow, particularly after Aylestone Mill where the river and then the canal appeared shallow and slow. Popular folk law in the area suggests that it is unwise to attempt to moor up anywhere in the Leicester area, so we were commited anyway to try and get as far as Kilby Bridge which we did by about 13:00 hrs. We pressed on from there with the intention of trying at least to get to Debdale Marina for red diesel by 17:30. However, with 12 locks and several miles cruising at what could be little better than 2 mph there was little chance of this, so we stopped just after Kibworth top lock where a good mooring offered itself. The weather had been sunny all day and the travelling most pleasant with no problems. There was very little traffic about with only around 7 boats passed all day and no real hold ups at locks. The locks from Kings up to Double Rail Lock are all fitted with BW key operated locks which rather supports the belief that there is a vandalism problem in the area. Indeed two locks have had their padlocks smashed already. As usual we were operating our "rope it and open it" plan for uphill working in large locks with Pat working ahead on the few short flights. For this I step off the boat in the lock approach carrying the centre rope which I use to slow the boat to a stop on a rear bollard. Pat opens the ground paddle in the conventional way after first having retrieved the bow rope and secured that. I then get a line on the rear of the boat and all paddles are opened up fully. Adjustments are made as the boat rises, and if all goes according to plan the boat is very stable in spite of the strong flows. Tomorrow then we have to get to the marina for fuel and then Foxton Locks. Where we get to after that will depend on cumulative delays if any, but we are unlikely to get down Watford Locks as I had hoped as they close at 17:00hrs.