Saturday was the day of the boat pageant. Unfortunately Cassie absolutely refused to get off the boat this time and we needed to move. Try as we might we could not find a good bank side mooring further up the river – all too shallow – so had to settle for getting the bows in near enough. After a few hours spent inflating balloons and attaching them to the boat I noticed a distinct list. Presumably the river level was dropping after the rain the previous day and not wanting to be left high & dry felt the need to move immediately. This we lost this position and had to try all over. Then the prop got snarled up in a bird’s nest of bramble cuttings. To cut to the chase the pageant was enormous fun, almost a shambles but not quite. Many boats had gone to great lengths so we had The Muppets, Swan Lake, Eurovision/Abba and the winner Chitty Chitty Bang Bang complete with made up crew including Grandad in his sentry box steering the boat. Our entry was pathetic in comparison, but our bubble machine did get the attention of the children and our only intention had been to enter into the spirit of things. Back to the pub again for an excellent meal.