The usual early start, 5:50 am from home, a leisurely car unload - lots of it and away from the marina at
7:50. Denham Deep Lock was passed in rather a dysfunctional manner partly due to distraction from another boater and partly after Bella fell in the water below the lower lock landing - backwards. Good job she was wearing a collar. Pat managed to drag her out. The plan was to stop at Uxbridge Boat Centre for a fuel filter, however they do not keep any engine spares apparently, but directed me to Marine Engine Services in a nearby industrial estate. This was accessible from the canal at the next road bridge, where after mooring a short walk secured the necessary spares. Departure from the very shallow towpath mooring was a mess with great difficulty in getting unstuck. After a neat traverse of Cowley Lock (top gates open for us) we arrived at Tesco, Bulls Bridge Junction at 11:50. A £80 food shop followed and once everything was stowed - lunch of pate and fresh French Bread. We left at 13:35 and a good run down the Hanwell Flight followed with all but the top lock in our favour with gates open. Two batches of opposite direction traffic were passed on the way and Brentford reached at 16:50. Arriving at Osterley Lock, seeing the top gates were open a crack I succeeded with the trick of getting them to open for me on their own as the boat approached. Good fun!