Friday 7th May 2004
I had prepared the boat on the previous Wednesday, stocking up with food etc ready for a quick getaway this Friday. The plan was to leave Derby by train at 7:20 and proceed direct to Harefield and thence to Little Venice. The fridge, by the way, which I had left on had only consumed 50 amp hours over the 48 hours it had been left on for. Topped up with diesel at Harefield leaving at 12:30. Proceeded straight through Bulls Bridge having locked down to Cowley in association with another boat (no name). It was cold and I was tired so not wanting to find no mooring at Little venice due to the late arrival, I stopped at Kensal Green where there is always space. It is quiet opposite the cemetary. Used the microwave to set up a Tesco ready meal of Chicken Jalfrezi (not bad) and retired for the night.
Saturday 8th May 2004
Quite a bit of rain in the night I suspect and it was falling steadily at day break. Up at 5:30 and after a boat breakfast of porridge (with extras) revived the fire and prepared for a wet day. Upped stakes at 7:00. My prediction for Little Venice proved correct. Boats were tied up right around the corner, always difficult because there are no rings and the ground is too soft to take stakes reliably. I have seen several boats cast adrift there by passing wash. Continued straight on to Hamstead Road Locks which were both open, as was the next. After that - not. Uneventful passage through to Victoria Park where I had planned to stop for lunch, but all the moorings were taken, so dropped down Old Ford Lock and moored up just past the junction with the Hertford Union. By now the rain had stopped and after a quick lunch in 25 minutes I was on the move again reaching Limehouse at 14:45. Mooring on the wall at Limehouse can be a little problematic because of the height, and this time arthritic Grannie and two overweight Labradors were planned to meet me. I had the idea of taking the front cabin steps out (usually full of coal but this time left empty) and putting them on the rear deck with some timber packing to keep them stable. This worked very well, particularly as I was not able to get to the wall ladders. The crew arrived as planned and we tried out the Cruising Association facilities for the first time. We had the last 2 pints of beer and a good fish & chips before retiring for the night.